Kristina Tzetzos spoke to us assessment and how it can be used to increase student engagement and accountability. She talked about how important it is for educators to know the difference between when students are taking directions and when they are taking direction. Such a subtle difference in writing is actually an entirely different process in practice. Traditionally, western education comprises teachers giving students directions and expecting them to follow along. But with the new BC curriculum, much more emphasis is put on students taking their own direction; asking questions, being creative, being innovative.
With the new curriculum, teachers need to teach students the skills necessary to monitor their own behaviour, track their progress, collect evidence of their learning, reflect on the process and skills learned, and assess themselves and their peers. This is a lot to unpack and Kristina posed a very relevant question. “How accurate is student self assessment if they don’t have the skills to do it?”
You definitely have important things to say about Kristina’s presentation and I like the length of this blog post. I found this blog pretty interesting as you talked about the presentation but also put your own twist to it by reflecting on it. great work! short and sweet